The course is a course of integrative area of Mechanic Engineering and part of the curriculum “Logistics and Production Engineering”. The course is one of the basics of the scientific area of Management Engineering.

The course gives a general overview of the scientific contents. During the course, the presented theoretical topics will integrated through targeted application-oriented exercises and through a real game-based business simulation.

The learning objectives are to introduce engineering students in the fundamentals of Business Management, i.e. the organization and functioning of companies. Specifically, it will deal with the themes of company definition, organization and company functions, investment accounting and financial management.

Main objective of the course is to provide the students with an overview of the scientific method. During the class, the instructor will show examples on how to apply it in order to achieve professional soundness.

The students will gain knowledge on the significance and use of stable isotopes in ecological research. Specific examples will be taken from the literature. Students will learn the calculations and techniques required to handle stable isotopes in ecological research. Lectures will be in English.

Main topics

  • Introduction to stable isotopes (what they are, how they are detected, units of measurements)
  • Natural abundance and enrichment
  • Mixing and fractionation
  • The most important isotopes in ecological research
  • Rare isotopes in ecological research
  • Compound specific analysis