Coruse Syllabus: not available

The course covers the main decision making techniques such as linear programming and integer programming, optimization on graphs, project management models and how to model specific problems in the engineering field. Furthermore, specific algorithmic techniques are shown during the course to support the modelling part and solve real-world problems. The goal of the course is to provide the ability to develop appropriate models for each application, to find their optimal solution and to implement the appropriate algorithm to practically solve them. How to interpret the obtained results will be also a core topic of the course.

Fluidmechanik ist ein Pflichtfach des Bachelorstudienganges in Industrie- und Maschineningenieur-wesen. Der Kurs besteht aus Vorlesungen und praktischen Übungen. Während im Rahmen der Vorlesungen die Grundbegriffe der Statik und der Dynamik der Fluide eingeführt werden, ist der Übungsbetrieb methodologischen Aspekten zur Lösung technischer Probleme der Fluiddynamik gewidmet. Im Fluidmechanik- Kurs erwerben die Studierenden die Grundlagen für die Analyse und die Modellierung der Verhaltensweisen der Fluide. Die Schwerpunkte des Kurses liegen auf der Analyse der Statik und der Dynamik von nicht-komprimierbaren Fluide.

The course aims at introducing the basis for understanding the principles of the Applied Mechanics for Machinery.

Students will learn, in the first part of the course, fundamental concepts and methodologies for the kinematic and dynamic study of mechanisms; in the second part of the course, they will acquire knowledge and competences on properties and characteristics of the main machine components. Course Topics:

Introduction and fundamentals.

Basic concepts and definitions for the study of mechanisms. Degrees of freedom, kinematic pairs and structure equation.

Kinematic analysis of planar mechanisms.

Kinematic analysis of position, velocity and acceleration (by base and dyads mechanisms). Singular configurations. Examples.

Static and dynamic analysis of planar mechanisms.

Recalls on Newtonian and Lagrangian approach. Newtonian and Lagrangian method for the static and dynamic analysis of planar mechanisms. Application examples. Inertia reduced to the free coordinate. One degree of freedom mechanisms in periodic regime. Application examples.

Transmission gears and other mechanical components.

Description of the most common elements of machines (kinematics and exchanged and transmitted forces). Wheels. Gears. Toothed gears. Ordinary and epicyclic gearings. Screws and their applications. Flexible elements: Belts and chains. Comparison of different drives. Overview of: joints, clutches, brakes, flywheels. Introduction to mechanical vibrations.

Coruse Syllabus: not available
Coruse Syllabus: not available
Coruse Syllabus: not available