This course provides insights concerning the manufacture and the nutritional and healthy features of functional foods. In particular, it shows how to project different varieties of functional foods using selected microorganisms.  

The course consists of one module of 30 hours of frontal lectures (18 hours )and exercises (12 hours).

After defining the significance and the nutritional features of fermented functional foods and after giving some insights on the physiology and biochemistry of lactic acid bacteria, the course will provide the biotechnology knowledge for projecting and making functional foods. The course will provide examples of natural, fortified, enriched and modified functional foods of both vegetable and animal origins. The course has the educational objective to address the students to manage with the industrial applied biotechnology.

Course Syllabus


Il modulo in “Fondamenti di Idrologia e Idraulica mira a dare agli studenti le conoscenze necessarie per: determinare un bilancio idrologico a scala di bacino e di tratto, calcolare le portate in un piccolo bacino agricolo o montano, progettare canali di irrigazione e drenaggi stabili ed efficienti, progettare sistemi di irrigazione semplici.

The “Fundamentals of Hydrology and Hydraulics” module aims at giving the students the necessary knowledge to: determine a hydrological balance at a basin and stretch scale, calculate the flow rates in a small agricultural or mountain basin, design stable and efficient irrigation channels and drainages, design simple irrigation systems.