MegaRPI project is an open-source, open-hardware, open-science project built on programmable hardware. We are particularly inspired by Raspberry Pi, which is a credit card sized computer that runs on Linux.

The principal aim of the project is to build a Cloud Computing Cluster from the scratch with a number of key qualities as the drivers. First and foremost, the Cluster should be easily affordable to acquire. In practice this means something around the cost of a MacBook Pro. Any school, institution, company and a private person should afford to buy it. As a cluster, a single instance of a cluster should carry enough capacity for the use in education, research and services. Physically, the cluster should be easily movable and it should be small sized. The rack design must stand time, be appealing and foremost it should be fit-for-the-purpose. Therefore, we place a lot of attention to the functionality of the cluster. To add to this challenge, the cluster should be auto-buildable, so anyone (all of you!) should be able to build it in less than half a day of work with material that be easily obtained from a store near you. Materials that are used should be ecological and we systematically avoid using materials with high carbon footprint (e.g. plastic).  As a solution of this third generation rack design, we have introduced in our pages the “Bobo”, which carries all of the above characteristics.

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Ultime modifiche: martedì, 5 maggio 2015, 18:35