The course is designed to provide students with theoretical background of and professioan skills in statistical data analysis. The educational objectives are: 

  1. to introduce the students to the main concepts of probability and statistics; 
  2. to provide the students with the methodologies, the practical techniques, and the software tools related to probabilistic reasoning, regression, descriptive and inferential statistics.

The course consists of theoretical lessons interspersed with laboratory sessions with the R software ( 

  1. Introduction to probability. Probability diagrams, conditional probability.
  2. Bayes’ theorem
  3. Random variables, discrete and continues distributions.
  4. Position indices and variability indices of random variables distribution.
  5. First R session: probabilities with R.
  6. Properties of mean and variance.
  7. Central limit theorem
  8. Confidence intervals on mean and variance.
  9. Second R session: confidence intervals with R.
  10. Hypothesis testing and ANOVA
  11. Test of independence
  12. Third R session: hypothesis tests with R.
  13. Relations between confidence intervals and hypothesis test
  14. Good of fitness tests.
  15. Fourth R session: Good of fitness tests with R.
  16. Correlation
  17. Linear and Logistic regression with one and multiple variables
  18. Fifth R session: regression in R.
  19. Time series
  20. Fifth R session: time series in R
  21. Probabilistic models (EM)
  22. Sixth R session: probabilistic models in R.